Thursday, November 27, 2014


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My family had the most wonderful Thanksgiving together at the Ritz Carlton Lodge on Lake Oconee. I wish I had been able to take pictures of the spread at lunch without looking like a complete peasant. There were about ten different buffet lines all with different themes. I never even had any turkey, although I did try caviar for the first time. Not terrible, but significantly overrated.

I should mention that my parents, sister, and I didn't actually spend the night at the Ritz with my extended family, which can be a fantastic way to experience something really special without breaking the bank. They came back to Atlanta with me to enjoy all the sites decorated for the holidays. I always have such a great time being a tourist with them in my own city. More to come on that.

If you're still looking for a plaid scarf this season, I bought the one pictured above from Target a few weeks ago. Link below. It looks like they even have one similar to the Zara blanket scarf everyone has.

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